Archive for the Time Travel Category


Posted in Time Travel, TOP 10 MOVIES with tags , , on November 20, 2010 by Kaiderman

I was recently relistening to an older episode of The Film Cynics radio show that featured my co-host for the MILFcast, the one and only Heather Roddy. On the show, she was asked to give a list of her Top 5 Time Travel movies. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I LOVE Heather’s lists. Next to me, she’s probably the best around! However, while listening, there were some great films for this sub-genre that I noticed failed to be mentioned.

As a result, I feel compelled to throw my 2 cents out there because, honestly, I think Time Travel might be my favorite kind of film. So, I present to you, my fine feathered friends, MY TOP 10 TIME TRAVEL MOVIES. Here they are (in order):


I’ve been pimping this movie on this site for months and no one that has taken me up on my recommendation so far has been disappointed. The only problem is I’m not sure if it’s technically a quote-un-quote “Time Travel” movie. It may in fact ba a parallel dimension movie. For that reason, it merely gets an honorable mention but if I get proof to the contrary it would easily shoot to #5 on my list.

10. THE TIME MACHINE (2002).

This one is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. I know most people tend to prefer the original film adaptation of this H.G. Wells classic but I have a soft spot for the Guy Pearce version. As cheesy as the film can be, there are some great images in this film (such as the moon cracking to pieces) and I love where this film takes this Time Travel story after starting as a search for lost love type of film. Continue reading