Archive for the Saturday Night Live Category


Posted in Celebrities, Saturday Night Live, TV with tags on June 5, 2010 by Kaiderman

If there’s one thing I’ll always be grateful to my mother for, it’s that she exposed to comedy early and often as a child… it’s just a shame it didn’t have a bigger influence on my writing – WAH, WAH!

One of my favorite times of the week growing up was Sunday morning, when my mother and I would sit down and watch the VHS recording of Saturday Night Live from the night before. A tradition I still follow. Although, thank God, I have a DVR now!

The idea for this post came when I heard some people ripping on Adam Sandler. A guy who has come a long way since his stint on SNL. Becoming, in fact, a bonafide, bankable movie star. And that got me thinking about who the most successful stars to come from the show were. Now, realize, this is not a list of the greatest performers to ever take the stage at 30 Rock as a cast member. This is a list of the most successful stars to make the transition from SNL to the big screen and beyond.

I’m limiting this to 5, in order to allow for discussion but want to give HONORABLE MENTIONS to the following: Chris Rock, Phil Hartman, Tina Fey, Dan Akroyd, Chris Farley & Adam Sandler. They did not make my Top 5. Here’s who did (in order): Continue reading