It’s time for a new entry into the pantheon of scenes that KICK ASS. The theory behind this post is this…

Some movies have a scene in them that is so awesome it can make the whole film worth watching. A scene that can make a bad film good and a great film better. A scene so good that it KICKS ASS… hence the title of the post. This week, we are featuring a clip from the movie:

FUN FACT: Harvey Weinstein actually wanted to walk out of the Sundance screening of CLERKS. His executives convinced him to stay seated until he heard the number “37”. Once he did, he was hooked and, as a result, Kevin Smith sold his first film. So here’s a glimpse of what it takes to make it into Hollywood. WARNING: Does contain some explicit sexual language… ENJOY!

That’s it for now, Snowbawlers.

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Have a great day and remember… at least I wasn’t #36!

8 Responses to “SCENES THAT KICK ASS #7”

  1. So many great scenes in Clerks. I’d have to go with the chewing gum salesman as my favourite but it’s a tough call.

  2. haha, you’re right, that is a great scene. very memorable. i wonder if smith knew just how loved it would end up being.

  3. I love that movie – I did not know that about Weinstein. Good fact.

  4. In a rooooooooooooow? LMAO

    I love this flick desperately!

    Snowballing. I learned quite a few things from this movie. Ha! Only equally met by……………..

    IN A ROW

  5. There are just way too many scenes in Clerks to say which one is really great. I love the whole movie.

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