An interesting thought occurred to me this week. You see, a fellow blogger on the Fandango Groovers Movie Blog site (great blog… if you have the time, check it out) asked me recently to be part of a blog in April (details coming soon), featuring several other bloggers, where we all get together and pick our favorite Desert Island DVD’s. This was a very interesting list to compose. The theory is you’re trapped on a desert island and you can only bring 8 DVD’s… what do you bring?

Now, you don’t bring the best films ever made. I truly believe Gone With the Wind is one of the greatest films ever made. The story is fantastic and the script still proves entertaining and smart 7 decades later. That doesn’t mean you want to watch it over and over again. Do you bring your favorite films? Not in my case. I have films that I love and deem as “favorites”, but some of them prove a little heavy for frequent repeat viewings. That leaves movies you can watch over and over again. Exactly!

Well, when putting together that list, I realized that there was a whole other sub-section of these types of movies. Not the films I would take with me to an island, but bad films that I utterly love watching over and over again. As a film fan, I’m not exactly proud of them, but they are what they are… horribly awesome and cheesy films that I LOVE! I don’t expect anyone to agree with me. None-the-less, here they are in this week’s list: MY GUILTY PLEASURES:


Who would’ve thought someone could write a movie that could so successfully showcase the voice stylings of both Bobcat Goldthwait and Michael Winslow?

Essentially, Police Academy 2 is great for the same reason comic book sequels are so great. The origin story is out of the way and now we can dive into the fun stuff… just kidding. The fact is, all the Police Academy movies are written exactly the same. I don’t know why #2 is so awesome. I’m guessing it’s the tour de force turned in by one Steve Guttenberg as Sergeant Kerry Mahoney. Steve is at his Rootin’-Gutten-finest in this film and that’s the reason I can watch this film ’til the cows come home… which is a really long time… because I don’t own any cows!


Charlie Sheen, Tom Berenger, Wesley Snipes, the guy from the All-State insurance commercials… I know! How did Hollywood get so many stars of this calliber on one stage? What can I say? Sometimes the stars just allign.

This movie features a comedically ridiculous motley crew of ball players brought together on a baseball team to win a pennant against all odds. The jokes are silly but I can’t help but get sucked in every time as each member of the team overcomes their short comings to achieve their individual and team goals. The scene at the end where Berrenger points to the fence, a la Babe Ruth, in the ninth gets a tear from me every time. And I dare you to not sing “Wild Thing” as Charlie Sheen takes to the mound to close out the inning. Great stuff!



That’s right… I like the sequel. I saw this flick and loved it so much that I went back and watched the first one. I’m of the opinion that this one is far superior. You don’t really have to watch the whole thing. The pay off is in the prank dance at the mid-point and the final dance routine. The latter of which can be seen here:


This classic comes on the heels of Mark Harmon’s 1986 win for People’s Sexiest Man Alive. It follows a teacher, Freddie Shoop, who gets forced into teaching a bunch of juvenile delinquents remedial English in Summer School. It also features a skinny Kirstie Alley and a pre-Saw Shawnee Smith. However, the best part is the homage to horror delivered by Francis “Chainsaw” Grimp and his side kick Dave. Directed by Carl Reiner… if you haven’t seen this film, do so now!!!



The premise of this film is that Swayze plays a bouncer, or “cooler”, named Dalton who is brought in to seedy bars to clean them up and help turn them in to fine drinking establishments. When Swayze is brought in to work at the “Double Deuce” he finds love and maybe more trouble than he can handle when the man who runs the town’s seedy underbelly becomes hell-bent on bringing Dalton down. I know… great stuff.

I was going to say more about this film but I just thought of another list: THE REASONS ROAD HOUSE RULES… stay tuned!!!

That’s it, Greasers & Sosh’s. Please feel free to leave your Guilty Pleasures below. I never edit any of the comments. Remember, this was meant to be an interactive site, as much as I love the sound of my own voice.

You can also sign up to get this blog via e-mail at the top of the page. And, as always, if you like this site, TELL A FRIEND!

Check back next Saturday as that is when new posts go up. I’m also going to try and get some mid-week posts going in the future so stay tuned. Have a great week and remember… the more awesome the mullet, the more awesome the Swayze!!!

41 Responses to “GUILTY PLEASURES”

  1. Yes Summer School… ye gods that’s a blast from the past, one of those films (like Adventures in Babysitting) that was taped and then rewatched repeatedly to the point when you could just act the fucker out.

    great stuff

  2. This list is awesome! I think it’s a good thing to celebrate this sort of crap once in a while. I did a similar post many moons ago, check it out:

  3. THANK GOD!!!
    I was sure the first comments on here would involve the words “Step Up” & “homo”. How refreshing…
    @ cinemascream: Thank you very much! I too have seen Summer School countless times on video cassette! 🙂
    @ Hatter: Way to cross promote! 🙂
    Just saw your list. Real Genius is a great pick. Not sure people feel too guilty about Face-Off or Top Gun but they are cheesy awesome… and Young Guns 2 is a GREAT PICK! For the Bon Jovi soundtrack alone!

  4. “The Stupids” starring Tom Arnold. A movie adaptation of a children’s book from the 80’s, this movie is my favorite guilty pleasure. Stanley Stupid, played brilliantly by Tom Arnold, is out to stop the criminals that keep stealing his trash every week. Hijinks and hilarity ensue, things get blown up, time travel occurs, Stanley and his son Buster meet the Lord; this movie has everything. I’m not sure if I let you borrow this Kai, but if I did, tell me what you thought. Also, you might still have it, I’m too lazy to walk upstaris to check my DVD shelf.

    I’ve got a post going up Friday called THE REASONS ROAD HOUSE RULES. Since I don’t do reviews, if one of you has a review of this film, or wants to do one, I can link to… please e-mail me. I asked Aiden at CTC but not sure he’ll get it off Netflix in time.

  6. Step Up? Homo.


    Everyone has his guilty pleasures 🙂 good list Kai!

  7. Hahaha… point and run, huh? What’s your’s, Castore Troy? and I will not accept Face-Off! 😉

  8. well proof our days and weekend of viewing did not go to waste! another thoughtful submission Kai well done

  9. Road House is not a guilty pleasure. It is a pop culture masterpie-

    Oh, who am I kidding?

    No mention of Demolition Man, though? Sounds like a guy who doesn’t know how to use the three seashells.

  10. Paragraph Film Reviews Says:

    Mean Girls
    Death Race 3000
    Red Sonia
    Les Clefs De Bagnole (Kar Keys – France)

    … I’ll get my coat.

  11. Just got Road House in from Netflix, planning on watching asap. God, Summer School, that takes me back.

  12. I know everyone laughs at me but I still like Encino Man, The Wizard and Mannequin. Talk about a “hall of shame” right?:P

    Thanks for owning up to Guilty Pleasures Kai!!

  13. I don’t have guilty pleasures, I am not afraid to say if I like a movie or not. The fact you have posted this article suggests you feel the same. I haven’t seen Summer School in years, I had actually completely forgotten it. Could be worth seeing again to see how it has aged. A bad film I really like is Night of the Comet. I recently saw it again and have just reviewed it (I have a backlog of complete articles so haven’t posted it yet) it is even worse than I remember but I enjoyed it just as much as before.

    Thanks for the plug by the way.

  14. I thought the fact that I posted proves I’m not afraid either… 🙂
    The title of the post is a bit miskleading. I meant it more as films you think are awesome, maybe even some of your favs, that you may have problems defending as good to other film fans. Guilty Pleasures was just easier to write.
    P.S. I’ll plug you again on the 11th, brother… not a problem, love the site!!!

  15. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Summer School and Major League.

    Maybe some of mine would include:

    Dude, Where’s My Car
    Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitters Dead
    Jurassic Park III
    Alien Resurrection
    Masters Of The Universe
    Universal Soldier
    Red Dawn
    Howard The Duck
    Fair Game
    and Tremors is my ultimate favorite!

  16. […] Narrowing a list down to just eight movies is really tough as I am finding at the moment.  It’s not just a matter of picking your favourite eight movies, the movies you can watch over and over again may not be your all time favourites as and as mentioned by Kai from The List.  […]

  17. Fun list! But I think I’ll have to take your word on the ‘Step up to the Streets’! I haven’t seen ‘Major League’ in a long time but I loved that one when it came out. I actually seen it at the theatre TWICE!

    I wouldn’t say I have any guilty pleasures exactly, more like “so bad they’re good”. The first one that comes to mind is ‘Death Bed: The Bed That Eats’. Its name doesn’t lie. Also ‘Slugs: The Movie’. Its hard to take killer slugs too seriously, but this one is actually pretty gory, but the dialog is the clincher. There is a character in the film who literally shouts every single line he has. Terrible! Terribly entertaining that is!

  18. Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitters Dead
    Dude Where’s My Car
    Jurassic Park III
    Universal Solider
    Alien Resurrection
    Masters Of The Universe
    Red Dawn
    Fair Game

    and the ultimate best


      “I’m a victim of circumstance.”
      “Thought you call it your pecker.”
      I don’t feel the slightest bit guilty on that one.
      As far as Red Dawn, have you seen the Swayze snot bubble? I’m trying hard to find a clip for a post but can’t. If you haven’t seen it, put in Red Dawn and watch the scene where he cries in the snow… may have to use slow motion button… well worth it!

    • You are in danger of having your licence to blog removed for spreading wild accusations, Tremors is in no way a guilty pleasure it is a classic movie.

  19. mcarteratthemovies Says:

    “Step Up 2,” Kai? REALLY?

    I kid, I kid. “Police Academy” is simply a classic period.

    And just to even the playing field, I’ll cop to my own guilty pleasures, which include — prepare yourself for some really shameful admissions — “Spiceworld,” “13 Going on 30” and just about every Godzilla movie ever made.

  20. movienewsfirst Says:

    Great list! I think Mean Girls would have to be on my list…with anything light, entertaining and funny, like Romy & Michelle’s High School Re-Union or anything with Leo DiCaprio for that matter:)

    • Welcome to the blog, Olive… nice to have you! I don’t think Mean Girls is something to feel guilty about. Anything that has Tina Fey’s wit injected into it is OK by me. As for DiCapprio, he’s got a few. Mine is The Man in the Iron Mask! Love that horrible movie.

      • Ha! That’s mine too, Kai, in fact, I singled ‘Iron Mask’ out for my Friday Guilty Pleasure post ( I’m with you too regarding Gone with the Wind, that’s one of the first English-language film I ever saw, but yeah, it’s a bit too complex for repeat viewings.

        Hmmm, now that I think of it, my Desert Island DVD list might consist of mostly guilty pleasures! 🙂

    • love, LOVE Romy and Michelle….I cut my foot earlier, and my shoe is filling up with blood!! awesomely bad!!

  21. Editor in Chief Says:


  22. […] by both Olive (of Movie News First) and Kai (of The List), I have gotten the urge to not only list my favorite Guilty Pleasures, but explain why you should […]

  23. […] by both Olive (of Movie News First) and Kai (of The List), I have gotten the urge to not only list my favorite Guilty Pleasures, but explain why you should […]

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